MSN Groups werden eingestellt

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MSN Groups werden eingestellt

Beitragvon manager » Di 28 Okt, 2008 20:23

Es wird wohl demn?chst einige Webseiten-Umz?ge geben, denn die MSN Groups werden eingestellt, und dann werden einige wohl das Webseiten-Hosting bezahlen m?ssen.


Dear MSN Groups Customer,

As a valued MSN Groups or MSN Communities Web Folders customer, we want to notify you that the MSN Groups service will close on February 21, 2009 and you will have the opportunity to move your group to our new partner service, Multiply. We understand the importance of keeping your group together, so we partnered with Multiply to create a migration process that moves your group to their service to preserve your online community and its history. Read on to find out about how to kick off the automatic migration of your group to Multiply.

We realise this may be unexpected, so before presenting your options we want to briefly share why we've made this decision.

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